Monday, December 15, 2008


I just finished this commission and I had a great time with it. Trying to come up with a "new" idea with a winter theme and birds is almost impossible. This is my neighbor's grandfather's sled and the cardinals are from photo's I took at my birdfeeder. I leaned the sled against an aspen tree outside my studio and left it out to get some snowed on and went from there.

I hope you like it.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Fundraiser for Lyn St Clair

A dear friend and fellow artist, Lyn St Clair, was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Like most artists, she does not have insurance. A website was just put up for her by artists willing to sell their paintings and give a percentage towards her medical bills. Please take a moment to stop by and take a look, you can buy a beautiful painting and help out a friend. The site is brand new, so art will be added as time goes on, so please check it out often.