Monday, February 18, 2013

More chicks!

Well, it was inevitable I guess. My chicks will slowly creep into my paintings. I have a western show coming up and my chicken paintings always seem to be a big hit. This is:
Here a Chick, 4x4, oil
It is of my Austalorp Dora, who to be honest, I think may be a rooster. Let's hope not.
There a Chick, 4x4, oil
It is Blondie, my Buff Orpington. She is becoming my favorite as she begs to be picked up and has taken to sitting on my shoulder as I paint. She is like a big cat with feathers, I swear.

Keep tuned, there will be more. And no...I am not the crazy chicken lady yet.

Monday, February 11, 2013

No title yet...

 I like this one. The flowers are from a cross country trip through South Dakota, the Robin is from my backyard in Minnesota, and the pump is from "1880 Town" in SD. 1880 Town is a tourist stop in the middle of no where not far from Wall, SD. It's big claim to fame was the horse, Cisco,  from the Kevin Costner movie Dances With Wolves...then he died at the age of 33. So they moved on to the Longhorn with the world's longest horns on record, and added a camel. The town is built like a movie set and is full of wonderful little treasures, feral cats, and people in costume that roam around for photo ops. There is a Buffalo Bill exhibit and Casey Tibbs (who is from Ramona, CA) museum plus all kinds of wonderful little pieces of history. I stop every time I pass through and always love my visit. If you ever go through the area, have 12. burning a hole in your pocket,  it is well worth your time and a good opportunity to stretch your legs.
This gives you and idea of how I put my paintings together. They are puzzle pieces of my trips around the country put together to make one image. There is a story behind almost every element of my paintings.

I was surprised that the rusty metal of the pump was not the nightmare that I thought it would be. I laid a base coat down, then sponged the texture on the surface, added shadows and glazes and there you go.
This is an oil on board.

Friday, February 08, 2013

A small break

I have been working day and night on paintings and on the new barn and corral, taking care of the animals and working with the horses. Last week a small dream came true for me. I have wanted a chicken since I was a little girl. I know, dream big, right? I even bought a laying hen for a dollar for my mom for Mother's Day from the Barnyard's who lived down the street from us. I was 10. My mother broke my heart by making me take her back.
I got my first chickens on Friday and I thought I would introduce them. Not only are they going to give us organic eggs, but will be our pets and subject matter for my paintings. I call them my fluffy bottom girls...

This is Blondie, a Buff Orppington

This is Daphne, a Silkie

Swiffer, a Silkie

Dora, an Australorp

Betty, a Barred Rock 

And my soprano, Veronica, another Barred Rock.

My husband is terrified that I am going to become a crazy chicken lady, but I reassure him that when we have fresh eggs, less bugs, and fertilizer for the garden, he will be happy that I am a crazy Chicken Lady!
Now back to the drawing board.