Friday, July 10, 2009

Look! Twins!

New visitors at the feeder this morning...

I have been a little frustrated lately with the deer eating my garden. In my experience the last few years, if I keep the feeder full, they have had no interest in the garden. Well, not this I told my husband we should consider not filling the feeder until winter. Well, as of this morning, I have changed my mind! They can eat as much as they want as long as they let me take their pictures!


Wes and Rachelle Siegrist said...

Vicki, Yes, it looks like these cuties and their willingness to provide great reference photos merits some food in the feeders!

Carol Andre' said...

Oh, lucky you. I wouldn't mind being eaten out of house and home for these guys! I used to live in the country and get to do this too- it was wonderful fun. I bet there's going to be some lovely artwork from these too!